Real Estate Law

What to Do if I Bought a Home With Unpermitted Improvements in Florida?

By Sean Lopez / July 30, 2022

It might seem like it is not possible that you could end up buying a home that has had changes made to it without permits. This actually happens quite often in Florida and it can lead to lots of difficulties for the new owners who have taken possession of the property. Sometimes these difficulties are…

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How Much Notice Does My Landlord Need to Provide to Terminate My Lease?

By Sean Lopez / December 14, 2021

Your landlord will have different notification requirements before they terminate your lease depending on the state that you reside in. You will find that each state has different rules and regulations related to renting and leasing. The knowledge that you have from a state with different regulations and rules will not help you to answer…

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Surplus Funds Recovery in Florida: What is It? How to Claim?

By Sean Lopez / December 6, 2021

Surplus funds are a part of the foreclosure process that most people are not aware of. When a home goes through foreclosure, there can be money left over that comes from a variety of sources and can be taken as profit on the sale by the lender.  Most homeowners are not aware that these funds…

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An image of the inside of a home.

How To Select the Right Title Company for Your Real Estate Purchase

By Sean Lopez / June 5, 2020

When purchasing real estate, it is imperative that you select the right title company. A title company performs many essential functions when purchasing a piece of property, and if you choose the wrong title company you could be in for a huge headache. So, what exactly does a title company do and how do you…

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