Child Custody Law in Florida

Child custody laws are clearly defined in the state of Florida. There are many reasons that these kinds of laws need to be on the books, but the most common reason for custodial laws to be exercised is when parents divorce. There are other reasons that a child’s custodial needs might need to be addressed…

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Stalking Injunction in Florida

Stalking is a serious offense in the state of Florida and one that victims need to take legal action to prevent. The St. Petersburg family law lawyers at Lopez Law has years of experience in cases related to stalking, and we can help protect you from your stalker. Taking the right legal action will help…

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Repeat Violence Injunction in Florida

There are various injunctions that can be filed against someone who attempts to, or succeeds in harming you in the state of Florida. These injunctions are intended to protect you and your family from violence of various kinds. Repeat violence is one of the various kinds of violent actions that are forbidden under Florida law.…

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Financing and Commercial Mortgages

Businessman holding a card with text COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE. Buy and sell

Your decision to purchase a commercial property is a momentous one for you. Quite a bit is at stake when you have taken on this large purchase. Hopefully, you could negotiate terms to make the deal successful for you. Besides the property’s purchase price, one of the most crucial things you must negotiate is the…

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How to File a Claim for Surplus Funds

Many piles of coins against blue sky and mini blackboard with text surplus

You must understand your legal rights before, during, and after a foreclosure to protect your financial interests. One valuable resource to consider during this challenging time is a real estate lawyer. By consulting a lawyer, you can gain valuable insights and guidance on exercising important rights, including how to proceed with claiming surplus funds from…

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Lease Contracts

Photo of lease contracts meeting

Lease contracts have significant financial consequences for both the lessor and lessee. For the lessee, you may be deciding on a place to live or locate your business. You might be leasing a piece of equipment crucial to your business. Once you enter a lease, the terms might apply and affect your life or business…

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Public or Private Development Projects


Contractors may do work for both public and private entities. Both can be valuable sources of business, and it is common for contractors to have divisions that work with both types of clients. However, these contracts have many substantive differences, and the rules may not be the same (even if there are overlapping principles). It…

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Why You Need to Work With a Clemency Lawyer

Lawyer reviewing legal documents and reference books with a gavel in the foreground, symbolizing the work of a pardons attorney.

If you find yourself facing criminal consequences, feel that you’ve run out of options, but are still desperate for a second chance, a clemency lawyer can significantly benefit you. The path to seeking clemency can be complex, with legal jargon and complicated procedures. An experienced clemency lawyer can guide you through the entire process and…

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What is Defamation Law?

Concept of Defamation write on a paperwork isolated on Wooden Table.

Defamation can have significant consequences for individuals and their reputations. First Amendment protections apply to many kinds of speech, and legal protections afforded by the United States Constitution are extremely important. However, one also has no unlimited right to say whatever they want at any time. People generally have some protection from false things being…

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