Sublease Contracts

Legal document Sublease Agreement on paper close up

A sublease contract is a legally binding agreement that allows a tenant to rent out all or part of their leased property to another individual, known as the sublessee. This arrangement can benefit both the tenant and the sublessee, as it allows the tenant to share the cost of rent and the sublessee to find…

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Commercial Foreclosure

FORECLOSURE NOTICE - words on light brown paper against the background of a calculator and a judge's gavel

If you find yourself facing a commercial foreclosure, it can be a daunting and overwhelming experience. Commercial real estate transactions have high stakes for all involved parties. Once the deal closes, buyers often have an obligation to pay the lenders if they have obtained financing. If something goes wrong during a commercial real estate transaction,…

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Purchase/Sale of Business Real Estate

Close-up of for sale sign in font of house.

Any real estate transaction is complex, but there are far more challenges when it involves a commercial property. Here, the buyer and seller are more sophisticated parties, and there are far more issues than in a residential real estate transaction. Further, the deal may have additional wrinkles that the buyer and seller must negotiate, making…

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Due Diligence Investigations

Stack of documents and magnifying glass.

When it comes to important decisions, you want all the necessary information at your fingertips. That is where due diligence investigations come into play. These investigations protect your interests and help you make informed decisions. Whether considering a business venture, entering into a contract, or making an investment, a due diligence investigation can give you…

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Prenuptial Agreement Law In Florida

Prenuptial agreements in Florida can be used to protect the assets of either party involved in a marriage. This is a common way to protect existing business or property that comes with one party into a marriage. If you are concerned about losing your property or your assets in a possible divorce, a prenuptial can…

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Alimony and Spousal Support Law in Florida

Alimony/ spousal support is often one of the most contentious aspects of any divorce process. Many people who are getting divorced do not agree about how much spousal support should be awarded as a result of a divorce. Of course, the person who is receiving the support typically believes that they should be awarded this…

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Paternity Law in Florida

In the state of Florida, paternity testing is often part of the process of becoming a legal guardian of a minor child. Children need to have a legal father, and the state of Florida takes the process of proving who the father of a child is very seriously. This is for many reasons, not least…

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Modification and Relocation Law in Florida

Relocation of either parent involved in a shared custody or parenting plan in the state of Florida necessitates a modification to the parenting plan agreement. The language of this kind of change is built into most parenting plans because this kind of alteration can come up from time to time. Parents are actually legally prevented…

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Timesharing Law in Florida

Creating shared parenting time plans is a big part of the process of finalizing a divorce in the state of Florida. Shared parenting plans are also created for those who were never formally married to create legal timesharing for the welfare of kids. Knowing more about the timesharing guidelines that are followed in the state…

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Child Support Law in Florida

Child support is a court-ordered obligation that parents who are divorcing need to commit to. No matter how many children you have had with people that you are no longer married to, you will be required to contribute to their care. If you have been involved in a divorce or you have been informed that…

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